check an IP address is within a range in PHP?

In this article i am going to explain you " To check an IP address is within a range in PHP?". for this you must have to use a IP range eg: this structure called IP range.
IP / Range
* Checks if a given IP address matches the specified CIDR subnet/s
* @param string $ip The IP address to check
* @param mixed $cidrs The IP subnet (string) or subnets (array) in CIDR notation
* @param string $match optional If provided, will contain the first matched IP subnet
* @return boolean TRUE if the IP matches a given subnet or FALSE if it does not
With ip2long() it's easy to convert your addresses to numbers. After this, you just have to check if the number is in range:
if ($ip <= $high_ip && $low_ip <= $ip) { echo "in range"; }Hope this article "To check an IP address is within a range in PHP?" will help for you. please comment and share with your friends.